A Day in the Sun

Somedays, we all need a breather from the hustle and bustle of real life. Today was mine. I withheld most contact to the outside world in order to meditate and focus on my own smaller universe. This morning I had breakfast with my grandfather, grandmother, father, aunt, and sister for Father's Day. Then we went to the mall where I indulged in two black and white striped pieces and a leopard babydoll tube top. I also purchased the infamous "cross ring" from F21 and some "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" monkey earrings. Of course, I sent little "I love you"s to my boyfriend and still updated my facebook, but I remained by myself for the day. People kept asking me to do little tasks such as "put pictures up from last night" or "come do a photoshoot of my band" but I refused. I needed some time to myself. This week I worked two jobs Tuesday-Saturday, so today was a much needed day off. I have come to realise that I probably will have no glorious summer vacation what with working 30 hours a week at my new job, so these days alone will be needed as mini-vacations. I feel so much more at peace and my stress has reduced by leaps and bounds. Whew, exhale, I feel lovely. <3

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